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Weight Loss Success Stories

Dianna’s Story

I want EVERYONE to meet Dianna Brown Miller!!!! Stop what you are doing and read her amazing story on transformation and what YOU can do yourself to change your whole world.

Our staff is so incredibly proud. Dianna writes in her own words her journey. Sign up today to CHANGE your life.

February 7th, 2018 my world changed. For as long as I can remember doctors, family, and friends had been trying to get me to do something about my weight, so that my health could improve. But I had tried many different weight loss programs and had for 1 reason or another failed. It was your typical story, I had tried many diets and diet plans, had even lost 130 pounds at one time, but life would get in the way, things would get tough and I would gain all I’d lost plus more back so what was the point. But if I planned to be able to walk again due to the arthritis and the weight I was going to have to lose a substantial amount of weight…

My primary Doctor suggested a weight clinic in St. Louis but I was against the trip to St. Louis every week as I was trying to operate my business from home. This was when I was encouraged to seek out Physician’s Choice Wellness (PCW). I must confess I went into that first meeting with a lot of questions and even more doubt. How was I going to afford this program, what made this different from all the other plans I dealt with over the years, and why would this work when I had failed so many other times? But my faith in God is strong and I kept hearing this voice in my head saying, “I got this, go for it”. I am so glad I listened! From the beginning it was not what I expected. The staff has been there every step of the way. Asking me how thing were going, discussing with me what my thoughts were and what feelings I was experiencing. I began to feel that MAYBE people do care how I was feeling about the program and me not just being polite!

When I got on that scale the first week and showed a nice loss all I could do was shout NO WAY! But then 10 pounds were gone, then 20 pounds, then 50 pounds and 18 months later I am pleased and proud of myself to be down 171 pounds.

The classes have been a huge help, not just in support but they have taught me a lot about diet, reading labels, exercise, life management and how the image you have of yourself is as important as diet and exercise. At first I was content to sit in the corner and listen to that bad voice telling me it was all for nothing. But as time went on and I came to realize there were others that thought and felt as I did it got easier to talk, and ask questions and offer comments.

During this whole time if I left the house to go anywhere, it had to be where I could use the wheelchair. I was using the walker at home but did not have the leg strength to walk very far. Over time I have gained that strength back in my legs and am able to use a walker to leave the house. I plan someday to be able to manage with just a cane. Not only has my strength gotten better but I have been able to remove some of my meds and reduce the dosage on others.

Before starting at PCW by all definitions of the word I was turning into a recluse, going nowhere except to doctor appointments and the classes at PCW. Now I’m back at church each week, attend the PCW classes, visit friends and watch my grandsons play ball.

Please I do not want anyone to think of PCW as a quick fix, it is a program that is very effective if you depend on yourself for the results you are looking for.

In closing I want to say again it has not been the easiest journey, but the best of things never are. Now I do the program for me not to prove to others I cannot do this. I want to say a super special thank you to all that have supported me, PCW, my sons, my church family and my friends who have cheered me through all
the ups and downs.

Ready to start your healthy lifestyle like Dianna?
Get started with PCW today!

*Physician’s Choice Wellness does not guarantee weight loss results. Program results may vary. Patients typically lose 1-2 lbs per week on average during the course of our programs. Please consult with your physician before starting any weight loss program.

Weight Loss Success Stories

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