Our Weight Loss Programs

When you enroll in our Weight Loss Program, you will be given all the tools you need to succeed.

About Our Healthy Weight Loss Programs

When you enroll in our Weight Loss Program, you will be given all the tools you need to succeed.

Time for a Change?

PCW Healthy
Weight Loss Program

You are not alone. If you’ve tried diets for weight loss but were frustrated at trying to go it alone, we can help you. Our team works with you to help you achieve the healthy lifestyle and effective weight reduction* you desire.
We’re ON your team, We ARE your team

We recognize that there are thousands of programs available to help you lose weight. Many of these programs offer a “quick fix” to weight loss. Anyone who has started this journey knows that there is nothing quick about it. Often times, our relationship with food is deeply rooted within us and can not be truly corrected until we spend some time digging into ourselves.

With Physician’s Choice Wellness, we encourage this level of realization and understanding so that we can truly fix the problem. This is the precise reason why having a team of dietitians, life coaches and exercise specialists are needed to address all aspects of our journey

It Can Work for You

Benefits of Choosing Our Program

  • Safe weight loss program supervised by a Physician and/or Nurse Practitioner
  • Required weekly, in-person visits with an experienced health care team
  • Regular support and care from registered dietitians, life coaches and exercise specialists
  • Strong emphasis on education and lifestyle changes that stick
  • Continued support at NO COST to you to help you maintain your weight loss
  • Flexible visit schedule
  • Many accessible locations throughout Illinois
  • Most services billable to insurance

Learn About Our Programs

  • TWO (2) Meal Replacements per day
  • Lose less than 50 lbs.*
  • 1-2 lb Per Week Weight Loss*
  • No Billable Services/Less Expense
  • Participant is NOT on Any Meds
  • TWO (2) Meal Replacements per day
  • 1-2 lb Per Week Weight Loss*
  • Lose less than 50 lbs.*
  • Billable Services
  • Participant CAN BE ON on Medications
  • THREE (3) / FOUR (4) Meal
  • Replacements per day
  • 3-5 lb Per Week Weight Loss*
  • Lose more than 50 lbs*
  • Billable Services
  • Participant CAN be on medications

On the fence about bariatric surgery?

We can provide pre- and post-operative care. We are a complimentary service to bariatric surgery; not necessarily an alternative to it. Also, we are what insurance companies are looking for when they require 6 or 12 months in a medically-monitored weight management program prior to insurance approval for the procedure.

How It Works

Our program is broken down into four phases. These phases range from initial screening, to reduction of weight, to finally maintaining your weight loss and health. It is the collection of these phases that make our program WORK. Physician’s Choice Wellness is not just a fad diet – it’s a lifestyle change that will stay with you for the rest of your life*. Our team will work to not only reduce the weight, but educate and instill habits that will lead to long-term success*.

Our Four Phases to Success



Screening Phase

In the Screening Phase, you will be physically and psychologically assessed to determine if our program will be the right choice for you. We will make sure that you are ready to commit to a future healthy you! Participants may need a consultation and/or clearance from their primary care physician before beginning the program. You MUST have a primary care physician before entering the screening phase.

  • One-on-one behavioral assessment and financial consult: pre-screening for program readiness.
  • Detailed discussion of the cost vs benefit for your budget.
  • 12-hour fasting lab and EKG
  • Exercise assessment
  • Full physical
  • Start-up class with Dietitian

It is our medical team’s role to provide medical monitoring as it relates to your weight loss. Our doctors will not act as a primary care physicians.


Intake Reduction

Reducing Phase

The Reducing Phase features either a Very Low Calorie Plan (VLCP) or Low Calorie Plan (LCP), depending on the amount of weight a person needs to lose to get to their healthy weight.

The typical caloric intake in this phase is 800-1,000 calories a day for men; 600-800 calories a day for women. However, personalized prescriptions are determined by medical staff.
In this phase, our participants’ only source of food or nourishment is a nutritionally complete, high protein, low carbohydrate beverage. PCW uses the New Direction brand weight management system of shakes, bars and snacks. Each participant will be given a custom “prescription” with the exact amount of nutrition intake per week.
Participants are closely monitored by medical staff on a weekly basis and visit with our clinic physician once a month. At this time, participants are required to attend a weekly Clinic & Class, so that their health can be closely monitored. The weight management team reserves the right to discharge or put anyone on hold at any time if conditions arise that could lead to medical complications.
Within a short period of time on the VLCP, the body will enter Ketosis. When on a Very Low Calorie Plan and keeping under your carbohydrate threshold, your body enters this state of ketosis. In this state, we know several things are happening. Your fuel will come from your fat storage. Lean muscle tissue is preserved, and it is important that you hold onto that muscle through this experience. Also, while in ketosis, your body will release endorphins. When you think you will have no energy, once in ketosis (3-5 days) you actually have a surplus of energy due to the release of the hormone endorphin.
Medical research has shown that when a person is in ketosis and is still receiving all of the vitamins, minerals, and calories necessary to still be healthy, any hunger you feel is a psychological hunger and not a physical hunger. A lot of people can deal with a mental hunger more easily knowing that physically they are receiving everything they need to lose weight safely and quickly.
The average expected weight loss in this phase is 3-5 pounds a week*.
The typical caloric intake of the LCP is 1,000-1,300 per day. However, personalized prescriptions are determined by medical staff.
In this phase, participants will replace two meals a day with a nutritionally complete, high protein, low carbohydrate beverage. PCW uses the New Direction brand weight management system of shakes, bars and snacks. Each participant will be given a custom “prescription” with the exact amount of nutrition intake per week.
Participants are closely monitored by medical staff on a weekly basis and visit with our clinic physician once a month. At this time, participants are required to attend a weekly Clinic & Class, so that their health can be closely monitored and compliance to the program is maintained. The weight management team reserves the right to discharge or put anyone on hold at any time if conditions arise that could lead to medical complications.
The LCP has a slower rate of weight loss than with Level 1 (about 1-2 pounds/week*) and does not let participants enter ketosis.
The LCP lets participants begin to adjust their lifestyle choices, adding in smart nutritional decisions and regular exercise.


Increasing calories

Adapting Phase

As participants near their goal weight, within 5 to 10 pounds, they will then enter the Adapting Phase. In this phase, calories are increased and solid food is re-introduced over 5 weeks. Nutritional education and counseling allows participants to practice healthy eating habits as they lose their last few pounds.


Intake Reduction

Sustaining Phase

Once a participant has reached their goal weight*, they are not done with the program. The Sustaining Phase is the most important phase. This is the phase of maintenance of your new-found health. Maintenance is the key to long-term success and good health. Our team of registered dietitians, life coaches and exercise specialists will dedicate this part of the program to education, exercise, and accountability.

Not just “that Liquid Diet”

Sign Up Now for a FREE Orientation

PCW has different program options to fit into most any budget and lifestyle. Regardless of how much weight you have to lose, we have a program that is just right for you!

Explore our PCW Programs, or contact us for an orientation to discuss your journey towards better health.

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